Sunday, March 28, 2010

As the weather turns to Spring (!) and the days get longer, I'm getting the bug to travel and photograph. Being a third generation Montanan, the history of the state is dear to my heart. Though it's photographed a lot in this area, I LOVE photographing the state's many ghost towns. Bannack, Garnet, Castle Town, and Nevada City are among my favorites. The subject is such a transport in time and a fun reason to get out and travel MT! Here is an image from Bannack, MT. Enjoy!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Ok, so I know as soon as I post this it will snow, but I just have to keep the good spring feeling going! I have just got done writing a paper outside in the beautiful sunshine! Birds are chirping, two Canada geese just flew overhead, and my one eyed Golden is sleeping in the's getting my photo bug going! Here is an image taken in Bozeman late spring last year. Enjoy and I hope it gives you hope for good weather!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Happy March

So growing up in Montana has had its fair share of snowy springs, but I refuse to accept the possibility this year. My favorite part of spring is of course the evidence of new life! Here is a cute photo of a foal napping in the spring sunshine. Enjoy and Happy March!